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International Rugby News

irish rugby tours

06.20.2014 - Alex Goff

The scrum remains a difficulty for the USA Men’s National Team, and they’ve been working hard at it this week; and the message is, scrum all the way.

06.20.2014 - Alex Goff

Cambridge University has selected its starting lineup to face the Collegiate All Americans Saturday afternoon at Dartmouth College's rugby fields in Hanover, NH.

06.20.2014 - Alex Goff

Scott LaValla moves back to flanker for the USA as they take on Canada Saturday in Sacramento and he will roam the field with Todd Clever and Danny Barrett, hoping to keep the hard-nosed Canadian attack in check.

The Eagles are coming off a better performance against Japan, but a performance that was, ultimately, a loss.

06.19.2014 - GRR Staff

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Men’s Eagles Head Coach Mike Tolkin has announced the lineup for his team’s final match of the 2014 Summer Series, an IRB Pacific Nations Cup matchup against border rival Canada at Bonney Field Saturday, June 21.

06.19.2014 - GRR Staff

The Ontario Blues have named the squad of players they will use against the Collegiate All Americans Saturday, June 28 at the Irish Cultural Center in Canton, Mass.

With many of the Blues’ internationals tied up with Canada for the month of June, head coach Chris Silverthorn has chosen a mixed side with some younger players as well as some internationals.
