GRR: College Men
10.13.2015 - Alex Goff
Three victories, three blowouts for Spring Hill in the Deep South, with the latest being a dominate 51-3 decision over ranked South Alabama.
10.13.2015 - Alex Goff
While the top two teams have not moved in the Goff Rugby Report Men's DII College Rankings, the rest of the rankings have seen plenty of upheaval, including a previously non-ranked team threatening the top ten.
10.13.2015 - Alex Goff
Steven Zomberg photos.
10.12.2015 - GRR Staff
It's halfway through the New England Collegiate Rugby Conference and we're no closer to figuring out who will win.
10.12.2015 - GRR Staff
Washington State University Tri Cities won the Northwest Collegiate Rugby Conference Cup 7s tournament in Bend, Ore., and has qualified for the NCRC 7s Championships this coming weekend at Central Washington University.