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GRR: USA Rugby

irish rugby tours

03.14.2025 - Alex Goff

Alex Goff has a look at the NCR lawsuit against USA Rugby in this RuggaMatrix America podcast.

The podcast is video but works if you're just listening to it, as well.

There's one key word in there that might make a big difference.

02.16.2025 - Alex Goff

This week sees the next USA Rugby Talent ID camp held at the Rhinos Rugby High-Performance facility in San Clemente, Calif.

This camp will be somewhat unique in that Rhinos has some additional facilities on offer. 

01.10.2025 - GRR Staff

USA Rugby High Performance and USA Youth & High School Rugby have announced a series of regional talent identification camps as part of the High School Pathway program.

These camps are set up to find and develop rugby talent across the country, with a goal toward populating the U18s teams (boys and girls) and setting players up for higher honors.

08.28.2024 - Alex Goff

The Big 10 Rugby Conference's status as a mixed league of NCR members and USA Rugby members is has come to a head this week.

08.14.2024 - Press Release

GLENDALE, Colo. (USA Y&HS Release) – USA Rugby High Performance and USA Youth & High School Rugby (YHS), has announced the launch of an expansion to the pathway program for American high school aged players.
