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GRR: Men DI Rankings

irish rugby tours

03.22.2017 - Alex Goff

We've got some changes in the latest Goff Rugby Report Men's All-DI College rankings.

This ranking combines DIA, DIAA, and Varsity Cup teams, and teams that play 15s in the fall and the spring and both. As you can see, it's fractured and confused, but we're doing out best.

03.09.2017 - Alex Goff

Not many changes this week in the Goff Rugby Report All-DI rankings. 

We've dropped off the last five teams, and got back to a Top 50 after those teams either lost, or related teams made us more comfortable in leaving them out.

Some very small changes, but not a lot.



02.28.2017 - Alex Goff

People ask us how we put together these rankings, and we have to admit that sometimes it's a gestalt thing - just go with a feeling.

02.22.2017 - Alex Goff

Well there was bound to be a shakeup in the rankings at some point, and frankly we didn't think it would be this week, but there you go.

02.16.2017 - Alex Goff

In this latest edition of the Goff Rugby Report all-DI men's college rankings, Cal remains at #1 basically because they did exactly what you'd expect (beat a ranked team ranked in the 20s), and then did it again, on the same day, with a different lineup.
