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High School Boys

irish rugby tours

08.25.2020 - Alex Goff

Rugby Washington, the State Governing Body for youth and HS rugby in the Evergreen State, is in trouble.

A complaint has been filed with the state Attorney General’s office alleging that Rugby Washington failed to provide services that member teams paid for. Goff Rugby Report has obtained documents providing information on the complaint and additional issues within Rugby Washington.

08.24.2020 - Alex Goff

Annual Southern California single-school power La Jolla has a new coaching staff. 

Longtime Head Coach Bill Leversee is stepping down, and the former Eagle has enjoyed a long period of success. He will be replaced by Ethan Willis and Ian Denham, two teammates from the OMBAC rugby club who were previously coaching at St. Augustine.

08.23.2020 - Alex Goff

Just because you can't play rugby doesn't mean you can't do something as a team.

The Maryland Exiles HS players have been gathering donations for a thrift store that serves needy resident. They've been doing it all summer.

08.22.2020 - Alex Goff

It's not necessarily all clear sailing in the new Good Ship Youth & High School, as there remain some issues to deal with, but there are also some developments of interest that could be good news for everyone.

08.21.2020 - Alex Goff

The Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association has announced that fall HS sports will go on as normal.

Sports and schools have been waiting for a long time for some specific guidelines and the lack of information has trickled into rugby and other sports. Wrestling and lacrosse events were held this summer, while an attempt at a rugby tournament was halted by Rugby PA.
