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High School Boys

irish rugby tours

06.18.2014 - Alex Goff

Life University hosts the South Regional All-Star Tournament this weekend, with seven teams in the Boys Varsity Bracket.

With the programs expanding ever into JV and, in the future, middle school select-side rugby, tournament host Dan Payne said that this South RAST may well outgrow Life's rugby facility. But for now, the size it just right.

06.18.2014 - Alex Goff

Utah is known throughout the USA as a breeding ground for talented young rugby players, so it’s no surprise that their high school all-star team won the Rocky Mountain Challenge, but may

06.16.2014 - GRR Contributor
Boys All-Star teams from North Carolina and South Carolina squared off in a tuneup in advance of the Life RAST tournament next weekend.  Both the Varsity and JV teams from each state clashed, with North Carolina winning both, as coaches evaluated their players. Both teams traveled to Clemson University and ran three 20-minute periods.
06.15.2014 - Alex Goff

Indiana North defeated Indiana South to win the Midwest Rugby Challenge Boys Varsity All-Star bracket Sunday at the Moose Rugby Grounds in Elkhart, Ind.

06.14.2014 - Alex Goff

It’s an all-Indiana party at the Midwest Rugby Challenge boys bracket, as Indiana North will take on Indiana South in the final Sunday.

Indiana actually put three teams in the Boys Varsity bracket, with Indiana South B going 1-1, losing to Indiana North.
