College Women
Army is the new DI ACRA 7s champion, unseating Norwich after a 22-7 title bout. It’s tempting to focus on the victories over the Vermont side, which had won 63-straight 7s games entering this weekend’s championship, but the spotlight needs to shine on the West Pointers themselves. The hosts dominated the field and played a commanding, smart campaign to the title.
The ACRA 7s championships are being held this weekend in West Point, N.Y., and action of field 1 will be live-streamed both days.
Small colleges and 7s makes sense, especially for women, and an unlikely proponent is propagating the concept.
The All-Tournament Team for the Women’s DII College Spring Championship was chosen a little differently than the DI team (see the squad here).
There was a lot of talent in Pittsburgh last weekend, when eight of the top women’s DI and DII colleges competed for their respective spring championships. As such, we polled the final-four coaches for nominations to an all-tournament team, and then weighed those selections against the recommendations of a national team scout who was identifying players on site.