College Women
WHEELING, WV. – Wheelng Jesuit University will be adding Women’s Varsity Rugby beginning in the fall 2016 semester.
The WJU women’s program will begin a national search for a women’s head coach to oversee this groundbreaking effort.
Tigertown in Lakeland, Fla. will host the Women's National All-Star competition Dec 28-Jan 3 with eight teams covering all levels and featuring 215 athletes looking to break into the US national teams.
Following an exciting weekend at the 2015 Women's National Championship held at the Rugby Athletic Center in Charlotte, NC (read more), NSCRO President Stephen Cohen and NSCRO Women's Commissioner Bryn Chivers presented several awards to individual players, as well as announced the 2015 All-Championship Team.
The 2015 NSCRO Women’s National Championship was held on Dec. 5-6 at the Rugby Athletic Center in Charlotte, NC. The partnership with the RAC provided NSCRO with the opportunity to host the event in a facility fitting of a National Championship.
Much like DI fall champion UCONN (read more), Davenport is starting to realize that the toughest times are ahead.