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GRR: HS Girls

irish rugby tours

01.28.2025 - Alex Goff

As GRR reported on Monday, there was serious dissatisfaction in how the new Rugby Ohio election was being managed.

See the details here: This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things: Rugby Ohio Latest

01.27.2025 - Alex Goff

Today is supposed to be the first day of voting for the new Rugby Ohio Board, but there is trouble in paradise as the balloting and nomination procedure has been brought into question.

“We’re not happy,” said Mark Weidner, who heads up the group that wanted open elections.

Here’s what they are not happy about:

01.17.2025 - Alex Goff

An agreement has been reached with the existing Rugby Ohio Board of Directors and USA Youth & High School to open elections for the Board and start a process to change the by-laws to be in compliance with World Rugby’s Regulation 6e.

01.12.2025 - Alex Goff

Bozeman, Mont.—The Montana Invitational High School Rugby Tournament, an exciting new tournament bringing together high school teams from across the country is still accepting applications.

The tournament will take place on April 26-27, 2025 at Bozeman Sports Park Complex, with teams from across the country already confirmed. 

01.10.2025 - Alex Goff

USA Youth & High School's announcement last month that registrations are up prompted us at GRR World Headquarters dig a tiny bit deeper.

We had time, after all, as we sit on our underground bullet train from home to the office. The trip takes about 45 minutes so we took the opportunity to think more closely about the numbers.
