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Youth And HS Championships NIT Models Make Sense. Time To Apply

irish rugby tours

Youth And HS Championships NIT Models Make Sense. Time To Apply

The Boys HS National Championships return to Kansas City this year. Dan Bandoni photo.

The model of making championship tournaments invitationals seems to have worked, and in this difficult pandemic time, more competitions are looking at the model as a new option, or at least a short-term solution to a difficult problem.

It's the national high school events that have fully embraced the invitational model, and there's a reason. Essentially, the way things used to be run, you had to go through a qualification process to get to the old HS nationals held through 2011. That meant you needed to get your qualifiers about two weeks before nationals so you could get flights and hotels. That meant you needed your playoff process to start maybe two or three weeks before that.

What that all meant was that leagues were wrapping up league play in early April, just when the weather was becoming perfect to play rugby (in some regions). Some regions had hardly started in late March and so just didn't bother with nationals at all. But the regions that did found that they were giving non-nationals teams short shrift. Why couldn't everyone play well into May if they wanted?

So the invitational model was adopted. This eay, you could go to nationals at the end of your season, or in the middle. You gained a spot by being good this year, certainly, but you had to have shown a history of quality play and not be a one-year wonder. In addition, the invitational model required teams to demonstrate their willingness and ability to travel. If you are going to bail at the last minute, they don't want you.

The result? Highly competitive National High School Championships, teams that you know will show up and show up to perform, and teams that know when and where they will travel and that can plan accordingly.

So that's why the Boys HS Rugby National Championships is an invitational. The application system for the tournament (to be held in Kansas City, Mo. June 17-19, 2021) is open and can be found here at

The tournament is usually held in May but moved to June because it's anticipated teams will need a little more time to get moving this year.

Boys HS Nationals Shifts To June, Moves to KC

New Youth Nationals Tournament

Meanwhile, there's a new National Youth 7s Championship to be held June 12-13 in Cleveland, Ohio. This will be fore Boys U15s and Girls U15s. This is also an application tournament, and spaces are already filling up.

National Youth 7s Championships Launches

For more information go to:

This is all because the model works. It ensures teams that are able to play and are good will play, and filters out teams that aren't reliable (which no one wants to deal with). And  in the end, the players get a great experience, play high-level competition, and the champions crowned are all very, very worthy champions.



Leinster School of Excellence