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Boys HS Nationals Returns to Elkhart for 2025

irish rugby tours

Boys HS Nationals Returns to Elkhart for 2025

The Moose Rugby Grounds in a typical game day. Alex Goff photo.

The Boys High School Rugby Committee is announcing that it expects to hold the 2025 HSNC at the Moose Rugby Grounds in Elkhart, Ind. for the fourth year in a row.

The tournament will be held Memorial Day Weekend, with games on Thursday May 22, Friday May 23, and Saturday May 24.

A key factor in why the Tournament is returning to Elkhart is because the post-event survey showed strong support for returning to the facility.

Groups are still encouraged to send suggestions for venues to host. In doing so, they should take the following into account:

  1. Venue should have a minimum of 2 full-sized rugby fields along with additional warmup space sufficient for four teams.
  2. Venue fields would preferably be grass, but should be lined for rugby only, with posts on the goal line.
  3. The host location needs to be weather-friendly; heat in late May is especially a concern.
  4. Venue should have significant hotel capacity nearby.
  5. Venue should be from a state or region that has teams that participate in the HS National Championships.
  6. The Tournament and host rugby organization should have control over the venue, with the ability to make decisions on when games are played and weather-related delays.

The reasons the Committee is returning to Elkhart is because the Moose Rugby Grounds check the six boxes above. Elkhart is within a 3-hour drive of Chicago O’Hare airport and also the Indianapolis airport, and two hours from Chicago Midway.  Additionally, the Moose Rugby Grounds is centrally-located and over the last two years a high percentage of participating teams were able to drive to the tournament.

The distance from the airports is mitigated by abundant and affordable hotel space all within a 15-minute drive. The playing surface at Moose Rugby Grounds is repeatedly praised by players and coaches as one of the best, if not the best, in the nation. Four all grass fields, with one dedicated to warmups, makes playing the game safer, more enjoyable, and even cooler (lush grass absorbs heat while artificial surfaces are more likely to reflect it).

And key is the 6th point above: the Tournament needs to have control over the venue, and at the Moose Rugby Grounds the tournament does have control.