High School Boys
This early in the season it seems a bit unfair to drop teams that haven't even really started, but we have to.
In a game rescheduled from late last week due to weather, Charlotte Catholic defeated Hough HS 24-19 Tuesday night.
This game was between the two undefeated school teams in North Carolina, and the result confirms Charlotte Catholic is the #1 seed when the semifinals come.
As GRR reported on Monday, there was serious dissatisfaction in how the new Rugby Ohio election was being managed.
See the details here: This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things: Rugby Ohio Latest
Today is supposed to be the first day of voting for the new Rugby Ohio Board, but there is trouble in paradise as the balloting and nomination procedure has been brought into question.
“We’re not happy,” said Mark Weidner, who heads up the group that wanted open elections.
Here’s what they are not happy about:
There is still time to apply for the Boys High School Rugby National Championships.
The application window closes February 1.