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High School Boys

irish rugby tours

05.24.2024 - Alex Goff

St. Ignatius and Gonzaga will meet up in the Boys HS Nationals SIngle-School final after both won semifinals Friday.

The two teams won their games in very different ways.

05.23.2024 - Alex Goff

Two of the HS Club National Championship Games on Day 1 were all-time classics.

The other two were excellent example of how to stifle an attack and get through the day. Friday now sees Belmont Shore vs The Woodlands in one semi, and Charlotte Cardinals vs San Diego Mustangs in the other.

05.23.2024 - Alex Goff

The top seeds generally played like it at the Boys HS National Championships single-school bracket.

The only lower seed to win was St. Edward, and that was in the matchup of #4 and #5.

05.23.2024 - Alex Goff

Here are the scores from Day One at the Boys HS Rugby National Championships.

St. Edward 38 St. Thomas Aquinas 12
Gonzaga 38 Xavier HS 15

St. Ignatius 60 Greenwich 7
Herriman 38 St. Martin 31


05.22.2024 - Alex Goff

See the Boys HS National Championship E-program here:
