High School Boys
04.01.2016 - Alex Goff
Twenty HS boys teams are in St. Louis this weekend for the HS Boys bracket of the St. Louis Ruggerfest.
04.01.2016 - Alex Goff
The University of Kentucky is hosting a meeting of four HS teams, two from Tennessee, and one each from Ohio and Indiana.
04.01.2016 - Alex Goff
Everyone wants snow during the winter in Colorado, but it would be nice if the flakes would hold off once rugby season starts - but that hasn’t been the case so far this year.
04.01.2016 - Alex Goff
Rugby Illinois is just barely underway and already there are indications of a possible changing of the guard.
03.31.2016 - Alex Goff
Easter Weekend and snow in Colorado made things a little slow last week.