College Women
Rugby organizations around the USA have halted activities in order to help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19). They are working in conjunction with USA Rugby on these decisions.
While we have a long list below, it's all moot because USA Rugby's Board of Directors just voted to ban all rugby for 30 days.
Call it coronavirus, call it Covid-19, call it something else, the virus that's been in the news is having an effect on rugby around the country.
As some major sporting events are being canceled to changed or held without fans, even the relatively small fishbowl of American college rugby is being affected.
LAFAYETTE, CO - The 2020 USA Rugby Spring College Championships will commence Saturday, May 2nd at the Stanford University Rugby Field in Stanford, Calif. as USA Rugby has confirmed its college playoff venues.
Stanford will also host the West Regional Playoffs.
WEST Regional Playoffs: Stanford University - Stanford, Calif. (Friday April 17 - Sunday April 19)
Spring is in the air and college acceptance letters are landing in mailboxes and in email in-boxes.
This is an opinion op-ed by guest columnist Dave Miller
The MA Sorensen Award is given by the Washington Athletic Club of Seattle every year to the best Women's College rugby player in the USA.
Goff Rugby Report Editor Alex Goff works with the WAC to select the winner, which is chosen through a combination of votes by the rugby public, college rugby teams, and a selection panel.