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College Women

irish rugby tours

03.16.2020 - Alex Goff

Should USA Rugby, D1A, and NSCRO award college rugby players an additional year of eligibility because o the season has been shut down due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak?

Coaches and observers have already put forth that idea, some within hours of hearing that USA Rugby has shut down the season. And there's no gray area here—the college rugby season is over.

03.15.2020 - Alex Goff

D1A Rugby has confirmed that it will cancel the 2020 playoffs and national championships, and that the D1 Elite playoffs, which were to be held in conjunction with D1A, are also canceled.

03.13.2020 - Alex Goff

The National Small College Rugby Organization (NSCO) has canceled the remainder of its season. 

This includes its 15s and 7s championships, and is all as a response to the threat of the Coronavirus (COVID19).

The NSCRO Men's 15s All-Star Championships slated for the last weekend in May is still on, for the moment.


03.13.2020 - Alex Goff

Rugby organizations around the USA have halted activities in order to help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19). They are working in conjunction with USA Rugby on these decisions.

While we have a long list below, it's all moot because USA Rugby's Board of Directors just voted to ban all rugby for 30 days.

03.10.2020 - Alex Goff

Call it coronavirus, call it Covid-19, call it something else, the virus that's been in the news is having an effect on rugby around the country.

As some major sporting events are being canceled to changed or held without fans, even the relatively small fishbowl of American college rugby is being affected.
