Goff Rankings
As the season moves on you'd think that ranking the HS clubs would get easier. It hasn't.
There's a rumor that college kids go on Spring Break - apparently it's true.
Still, some teams played games. Cal beat St. Mary's - that's a big deal. Life edged Davenport - that's a big deal. Utah beat Arizona State - that's a big deal.
Some movement results, with Cal moving to #2 the biggest one.
Every now and then we have to switch the category for a team. That happened this week as we confirmed with Union out of Oklahoma that they are really a single-school team and should be looked as such.
There isn’t a ton to report on the Women’s DI College Top 20, mostly because the previous two weeks fell between the end of regular season and playoffs. So several teams were either “idle,” in that they were preparing for the post-season on the practice pitch, or contested friendlies.
There was some shaking-up in the Girls High School Top 20, and Danville is at the epicenter of it all. The Lady Oaks have been getting better every week, and the NorCal team is going to be the one to watch at nationals this year.