Goff Rankings
We almost didn't run a new DI rankings this week, given that there were so few games and they ran according to plan.
With West Shore's solid showing at the Maryland Exiles tournament, that team moves up, and we make a few changes near #60 in the Goff Rugby Report Boys HS Club rankings.
Eastside tied Rainier in Washington state, and gets much, much closer. But for the most part, everyone's holding relatively steady. Florida and Texas playoffs may move things around this weekend.
Not much in the way of changes as most teams did what was expected in the Goff Rugby Report Boys Single-School HS Rankings.
Some obvious moves in the Men's All-DI rankings, with Cal nudging ahead of Central Washington by virtue of beating said Wildcats 14-13. It was a close one - about as close as you can get - and they seem essentially tied for now.
Not a lot of changes in the Boys HS Club Rankings for this week, although we do have a couple of new teams; Hilo Reign comes in after winning a playoff game in Hawaii, and West Carroll belatedly comes in after beating the ranked Maryland Exiles.