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USA Rugby Extends Rugby Hiatus Due To COVID-19

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USA Rugby Extends Rugby Hiatus Due To COVID-19

USA Rugby

USA Rugby CEO Ross Young has sent a message to the membership in which he announces an indefinite extension to the halting of rugby throughout the country.

"On behalf of USA Rugby I want to express my appreciation for your understanding and patience over the last few days with difficult decisions and changes required," said Young in the message. 

"After careful consideration and guidance from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the USA Rugby Board and Medical Committee have extended the current suspension of sanctioned rugby activities for the foreseeable future. Information on when rugby may resume activities will be communicated by the National Office as soon as it becomes available."

The USA Rugby Club XVs Championships have now bveen officially canceled.

"Our Board of Directors have met frequently over the last three weeks in response to the impact of COVID-I9 on the USA Rugby community and supports the decision to suspend play for the foreseeable future. The Board will continue to meet and conduct its business remotely and securely," added Young.

A USA Rugby COVID-19 webpage has been developed:

USA Rugby is cutting back at the national office to cut expenses. The Reorganization Task Force continues to operate on a remote basis, and national teams have halted group activities.

The 2020 Olympics have not been canceled, and so the USA sevens teams are still preparing, but while keeping a distance between program members.

The Elite Athlete Training Center in Chula Vista remains open to individual outdoor training, while all communal areas are closed for the foreseeable future.

There will be a live Q&A on the USA Rugby Facebook page next week.


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