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NY 7s A Wealth Of Elite HS 7s

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NY 7s A Wealth Of Elite HS 7s

David Barpal photo.

The New York 7s provides a unique opportunity in the fall and winter to see elite-level HS 7s rugby.

Certainly the LVI is another chance (so maybe unique is too strong a word), but there are so few tournaments where top-of-the-line HS teams from the United States and Canada can face off.

Watch for the growth of the North American HS 7s of the course of 2019, with stops in Florida, Canada, Colorado, and Utah slated in the future. The NY 7s provides a preview of all of that.

Watch New York 7s LIVE All Day November 24

Girls HS Premier

This is the best bracket in the competition, in our humble opinion. Atlantis won last year and one of the captains was in an Eagles jersey by the end of 2018 (Emily Henrich). Equipe Quebec is a superb high-performance program that builds from the ground up. Toronto Elite has strong and Upright Rugby may not have the wins we've seen on the boys side, but it tough to play. Eastern Ontario may well be the best of the Canadian teams.

Atlantis is back and New York Rugby Club is the other US-based team. It's a small bracket, but no one is weak. Not even close.

Boys HS Premier

Like the girls, a small bracket but a tough one. The Misfits (newly named the Tsunami CDN Misfits) won last year and went on to finish 2nd at the NAI 7s. They have developed a really good rivalry with Upright, and those two have to be the favorites. However, don't count out Rugby PA, or the CODP out of the Northeast. Those programs have been putting players into national age-grade teams on a regular basis.

Boys HS Club

Easily overlooked, this bracket is solid. Play Rugby USA just won the Rugby NY 7s. Fairfield and Greenwich out of Connecticut could easily win this. Greenwich brings some superb talent every time in the fall. Northeast Academy, Rugby NJ, Queens (Canada), and Eastern Ontario all could challenge. Some of these teams are essentially single-school, but most are select sides that aren't quite at the level of the Premier bracket. They can still play and this bracket is wide open.

Girls HS Club

This is a wild bracket. Watch out for the Atlantis U18s - basically a 2nd team from the Atlantis group in Premier. This will be a very young squad, and one well-scouted. Play Rugby, the Northeast Academy, Eastern Ontario, all could compete. What's Neufchatel Power? It's a team sponsored by a cheese. Got to love that.

You'll also see a team called Adam Scott Collegiate. It's not a college team. it's Adam Scott Collegiate and Vocational Institute out of Peterborough, Ontario, and is a vocational  and college-prep high school (Adam Scott settled Peterborough in the 19th Century).

Watch New York 7s LIVE All Day November 24


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