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Shaun Potgieter - ALL American

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Shaun Potgieter - ALL American

Discussing foreign-born players is a dicey thing in the United States. It’s not that players from overseas aren’t wanted - far from it, major rugby-playing nations have provided many great players, coaches, and contributors to American rugby - it’s just that at some point American resources can get poured into a player who may not, actually, pay off.

So that brings us, happily, to this week’s Player of the Week, Shaun Potgieter, the South-African-born No. 8 from Arkansas State. Potgieter is a supreme example of what good things can happen when we open our arms to welcome players from overseas.

This past week, Potgieter was named a collegiate All American for this 5th time. This is not a unique feat - a quick look at the old lists shows that Kort Schubert and Mike MacDonald achieved this, and if we were to look harder we might find that Shaun Davies, or someone else has done it, too. But it’s actually startling to find out how many wonderful college players made All Americans three times, but never four, let alone five.

Potgieter’s accomplishment is achieved thanks to three things: he’s been consistently outstanding for a very strong Arkansas State program; he as been healthy; and he’s shown up.

That last one is the big one. Overseas-born players who have other things on their minds miss assemblies, don’t return phone calls. Shaun Potgieter is a 5th-time All American in large part because he wants to be an American, he wants to be an Eagle.

“Shaun’s been here before and he knows what to expect and while he’s a quiet guy, he leads by example,” said All American Head Coach Matt Sherman. “It’s that sort of presence that really helps the team.”

“Representing the All Americans for the 5
th consecutive year, I have to thank the Good Lord for giving me the talent required to make the team and for protecting me throughout my 19-year rugby career, from any major injuries,” Potgieter told the Goff Rugby Report.  “I also need to thank my coaches and teammates at Arkansas State and the USA rugby who believed in me and gave me the opportunity to show off my skills to great Coaches like Curt and Matt Huckaby, Alex Houser, NeMani Delaibatiki, Alex Magleby, Tony Pacheco and my current Coaches, Matt Sherman and Phil Eloff.”

Potgieter said he has benefited from playing with a number of talented athletes, and from Cam Dolan to Pat Blair to Seamus Kelly to Kyle Sumsion and many, many more, he has learned from them all. Almost all that he gives a nod to are capped Eagles, and that’s something the powerful No. 8 wants to be, too.

“I have decided to make the USA my preferred country to live in,” said Potgieter. “I am getting married on the 30
th June to the lady of my dreams. My goal is most definitely to play for the Eagles in the future, whether it be in 7s or 15s.”

The lady of his dreams, by the way, is Mollie Parker, Miss Arkansas 2013. Potgieter said Parker and her family have been 100 percent supportive of his rugby career.

Potgieter will be working toward his Green Card as he starts his new life after college. The new life seems pretty set, with a beautiful wife, rugby, and a home country, the United States, all playing their part.

Potgieter’s life choices have been supported also by his own family in South Africa. They are immensely proud of his five All American selections. His father, Stuart, has been at the forefront of those efforts.

“I would like to thank my dad for coaching me from the age of six to the time I left for the USA at 18. If it was not for him, I would not have achieved these accolades and both he and my mother have encouraged me to immigrate to the best country in the world, which I love dearly.”


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