Men D1AA Spring 2025 Rankings Week 1
Men D1AA Spring 2025 Rankings Week 1
USD is #1 for now. Jeff Dalton photography.
With 2025 now upon us we have our first D1AA ranking of the Winter/Spring season.
This means we leave out the teams that play their 15s exclusively in the fall. It will be a bit of a question whether the Heart of America teams stay on to play 15s, but Lonestar, Florida, California North, NCRC, and California South are all set to play for a championship in May.
There will be a big battle for #1 in the playoffs and also in our rankings. Right now we think any of the top eight could end up on top, although we feel we've started fairly well.
With USD playing some crossover games with the California North teams, they have a better chance of holding onto #1 than if they had remained isolated in California South only.