The Maniac With No Knees is Now For Sale
The Maniac With No Knees is Now For Sale
The Maniac with No Knees is written by Tyler Kania.
Readers of GRR will be familiar with the story of Tyler Kania, the rugby player and coach whose life derailed thanks to injury and mental issues.
Kania suffered the same extremely rare knee injury twice, once for each knee, and rallied through that and bipolar Disorder. He documents how he battled with those setbacks to get back into coaching and playing, and how rugby kept him wanting to go on.
Read more about what he went through here: Despair, Mania, and How Rugby Can Save Tyler Kania
That book "The Maniac with No Knees" has now been published and can be read on Kindle, in paperback, and in hardcover.
If you would like to purchase the book, you can find it on Amazon here:
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