Men D2 College Play-Ins This Weekend
Men D2 College Play-Ins This Weekend
NCR's playoff play-in schedule is slightly smaller than originally expected, but not that much.
The original NCR plan was to have nine teams go straight into the Round of 16, with 14 more teams in play-in rounds.
What we at GRR World Headquarters have been able to ascertain, that split is now a more realistic 11 straight-in and 10 more in play-ins.
The 11 teams going straight into the November 18 Round of 16 are:
Montana State
UNC Wlmington
Of those, only Norwich and Wisconsin-Whitewater are not conference winners. Both are conference runners-up.
That leaves these five games for this week's play-ins:
Cardinals Champion Virginia vs MARC #3 Scranton
Northern Lights Champion MSU Mankato vs GMW #3 Loyola
Allegheny #2 Miami at Great Lakes Champion Grand Valley State
Tri State Champion USMMA vs NEWCRC #3 Vermont
MARC #2 Villanova vs Southern #2 Coastal Carolina
Said GVSU Head Coach John Mullett: "Now I just need my very fast and talented team to play a little grittier. It's great to be offensive but defensive lapses allow opponents to hand around or even prevail. We will see if my guys take instructions to heart and play a complete game."