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Next Phase Rugby, Rugby Indiana Partner Up on College Recruiting

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Next Phase Rugby, Rugby Indiana Partner Up on College Recruiting

Rugby Indiana and Next Phase Rugby have announced a new partnership.

Next Phase Rugby and Rugby Indiana have announced a college recruiting partnership.

Next Phase Rugby and Rugby Indiana have joined forces to support the thousands of Indiana boy’s and girl’s high school rugby players as they look towards collegiate rugby. As the only sole rugby recruiting app, Next Phase Rugby, connects high school rugby players with collegiate rugby programs across the nation.  Through this partnership, Rugby Indiana athletes will have access to premium memberships at a discount, allowing them access to the hundreds of colleges on the Next Phase Rugby platform.

“Rugby Indiana is one of the largest youth organizations in the country and has always been a leader in the development of youth rugby players.  Rugby Indiana continuously develops talented players who promote the organizations mission and values.  We are very excited to begin our work together.” Said Next Phase Rugby President, Greg Stelluti.

8x8 Sports

“Rugby can be a powerful catalyst for change in the lives of today’s youth. Providing access to college opportunities for rugby players is one of them,” said Wayne Eells, Executive Director of Rugby Indiana. “With over 900 college rugby programs nationally, it made sense to partner with Next Phase Rugby to help our high school players discover and connect to those opportunities across the US.”

About Next Phase Rugby

Next Phase Rugby is an online platform that connects student athletes with college programs allowing for unprecedented opportunities for players and teams. Through our platform, we help rugby players find suitable schools to reach their potential in the classroom and on the rugby pitch. We enable coaches to promote their programs and identify players who positively contribute to their institutions and rugby teams. The Next Phase college database includes hundreds of men’s and women’s teams across all collegiate divisions.

About Rugby Indiana

The Indiana Youth Rugby Foundation, known as Rugby Indiana, is a nonprofit that promotes the rugby tradition for youth in Indiana as a vehicle for personal growth. The Foundation believes that youth and high school rugby is uniquely suited thought its global spirit and ethos to instill social skills including teamwork, fair play, adaptability, self-discipline, respect for authority, and individual leadership within a safe, enjoyable, and competitive recreational sports experience. It is and is the youth and high school sanctioning body for Indiana  an affiliated with USA Rugby, and USA Youth & High School Rugby.