All-Time American List: Laura Cabrera
All-Time American List: Laura Cabrera

One of the most dangerous attacking wings in women's rugby, Laura Cabrera was more than just that.
An ornery, unflinching rugby player she played with the attitude of a blindside flanker, just with startling pace and a finishing flair. Cabrera was a standout for the USA, but also made her mark domestically. She was a massive part of the Berkeley All-Blues' dominance in the 1990s-
From 1994 through 2008, nicely mirroring Cabrera's tenure as a player, the All-Blues made the national club final every single year—15 times in a row—and won an astonishing 12 times. Cabrera was central also to the Pacific Coast's multiple territorial championships during that time, as well.
Her cross-field chase on a breakaway to tackle and save a try during one of those all-star matches remains the stuff of legend.
In 7s, Cabrera was brilliant, and when USA Rugby began holding a women's all-star 7s championship in 2001 the Pacific Coast, with Cabrera at its hub, won the first four events. She represented the USA and Atlantis with great distinction, and everywhere she went, her rugby teams seemed to start winning.
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