Training: Stronger, More Explosive With Volt
Training: Stronger, More Explosive With Volt
Goff Rugby Report contributor Kevin Simoni is working out on the Volt Rugby app developed in conjunction with Atavus; here's writing a series on his own journey getting back to ideal playing condition. This is installment #2.
![]() Bench Press in Hypertrophy Block |
Lat Pulldown in Hypertrophy Block |
Stability Ball Push-up in Hypertrophy Block |
![]() Flutter Kicks - Post-Workout Core Finisher |
![]() |
![]() Hip-Flexor Stretch – Post-Workout Static Stretching Finisher |
Lat/Triceps Stretch – Post-Workout Static Stretching Finisher |
![]() Isometric Superman – Post-Workout Core Finisher |
When I first downloaded and explored the Volt app, I was interested in seeing not only how it would affect my performance on the field but more importantly how it would affect my debilitated lower back. After using it for four weeks I am more than happy to say that both my performance on the field and my lower back have improved significantly.
A lot of these workouts were new to me despite me being an exercise science major, which was surprising. I am used to doing bodybuilding type workouts to gain mass in hopes that it will help me during the season, but after doing Volt’s workouts for a month I am never going back! I feel more mobile and explosive than ever, and I have Volt to thank for that.
Since the app is building me up for the beginning of my 7s rugby season in late June, Volt started me off with power workouts for the first two weeks. Workouts during the week were varied and consisted of exercises such dumbbell hang-clean-to-press, dumbbell alternating bench press, hip extensions, and dumbbell reverse flyes, to name a few.
After two weeks of explosive power exercises, Volt then transitioned me to hypertrophy workouts. During this training block, the weight and repetitions are increased and the goal is to recruit more muscle fibers. If done right, you should gain decent muscle mass along with good muscular endurance, which is essential for enduring the 80-minute-long rugby games. There is a plethora of exercises in this block, some of which include dumbbell front squats, upright rows, Russian twists, bench press, band pull-aparts, push-ups, one-arm dumbbell presses, planks, and a whole lot more.
I am currently still in the hypertrophy block before I move on to the strength capacity block on Saturday. It hasn’t been an easy four weeks—I have struggled through numerous workouts and even whole workout sessions. At times, it’s been difficult to do some of these exercises that are foreign to me, but thankfully Volt has animated technique GIF’s for every workout that show you exactly how to perform that exercise.
Additionally, as I mentioned in the first article, Volt has options for post-workout routines labeled “finishers.” This has been a lifesaver for my back, as it offers different levels of core workouts as well as other exercises for mobility, conditioning, and stretching.
These individualized workouts coupled with the finishing post-workouts these past four weeks have made a great deal of difference in how I feel, as well as how I look. My lower back feels strong and mobile; better than it has felt in years. And my body is more toned, as body fat has decreased and muscle mass has increased.
I am excited and hopeful that if I continue using Volt, I will be the best rugby player I have ever been. I will keep you updated on the strength capacity block once I begin and have finished a handful of workouts.
-- Kevin Simoni
See Kevin's earlier piece on his workouts:
Training: Putting Some Voltage Into Rehab