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Strong College Contingent in Selects for LVI

irish rugby tours

Strong College Contingent in Selects for LVI

Matt Drziewicki of UW-Whitewater joins the Selects. Deborah Grinnell photo.

The Selects rugby touring program has named its players to compete in the Las Vegas Invitational. 

The Selects will field two teams in the Men's Elite 7s, two teams in the Men's Aces 7s, and three teams in the Men's Open 7s. The players are recruited from military teams, clubs, and colleges around the country, with some of the military players coming from overseas. 

Several collegiate players are on the squad, with most playing on the Collegiate Selects team in the Men's Aces 7s. Former USA scrumhalf and a 7s All American in 1998, Mose Timoteo, will coach the team with former Oklahoma University coach Jason Horowitz assisting.

Not surprisingly, Oklahoma has a strong contingent among the players, with Michael Al-Jiboori heading a list of six Sooners. Oregon, Texas A&M, Albany, Old Dominion, Indiana, MSU Mankato, Oklahoma State, Western Michigan, Rowan, Washington State, UMass, UW-Whitewater, Dartmouth, and UT San Antonio are also represented.

Heading up the list of top college players are Al-Jiboori (whose brother, Malon, is with the HS All Americans), Big Ten Universities Conference top-try-scorer Jake Hidalgo out of Indiana, Dartmouth try-scorer Dawit Workie, and Wisconsin-Whitewater speedster Matt Drzewiecki. Brady Harrington out of Oregon was the top try-scorer in the NCRC last year. 


Selects Total Roster

Last First  Club side
James Darren OMBAC
Harpenau Zach Oceanside Chiefs
Setane Mila Marine
Batisaresare Max Tulsa 
Cochran Ryan 1823
Bankston Michael Texas A&M
Nieuwoudt Paul Texas A&M 
Knight William Coty Army
Mokofisi Josef Army/Riley
Charles Daniel (Drae) Eugene RFC
Crossley Connor Univ of Oregon
Gamm Mike Seattle/Bend
Motokana/Farisko Jope Seattle
Moore Shane Donovan Seattle
Penter Levi COCC Oregon
Soto Eric Seattle
Taufa Maile Ofa Seattle
Valz Jonathan Carnegie SLO
Hendry Evan Cal Poly Pamona
Ramos  Frank  SFV Springbocks
Beelman (layton) Carter ES Banshees RFC
Layton  Ricky ES Banshees RFC
Alves de Moraes Ed  LV/T
Brown Quaadir LV/T
Jehangir Noor LV/T
Randleman Calvin UNLV/T
Elkins Ty 1823
Ryckman Owen Korea
Robinson  Jamil 1823
Becton Eugene Salisbury
Humphries Mark OKC Crusaders
Branham Jeff Kellog BSl/VD
Gyimesi Gavin Univ of Albany
Joyner Tim Missoula 
Uyeda Dustin Titans RFC HI
Renas Larry Old Dominion
Hidalgo Jake Indiana
Noland  Thomas Portland/ORSU
Camusio Zeke Portland Pigs/VD
Gray Tysen Portland Pigs
Neal  Marcus KCRFC
Higgins Harry 1823/Arkansa St
Manning Jeremy NZ
Whetzel Bryce Woodlands, Texas
Simpson Cody MN State Mankato 
Bartlow Jason Reading RFC
Hartwell Matt Reading RFC
Davis Aaron SMU/Redskins C
Elkins Alex Oklahoma St/Detroit Lions
Al-Jiboori Michael OU
Chinellato Thomas OU
Soto Manny OU
Weber Austin OU
Watkins Taylor  OU
Hale  Justin  Austin Huns
Duchene Josh Portland Pigs/VD
Harrington  Brady Oregon
Khan Rocky NZ
Howden David Salem RFC
O'Neil Dakota (Cody) Oregon St
Prater  Trevor COCC Oregon
Owens Justin Columbia Old Gray 
Pauga Justin Glendale 
Kacor Thomas W. Michigan/Chicago Lions
Early Andrew Cal Poly SLO
Briscoe Taylor  Budd Bay, WA
Radasa  Mike Seattle
Brown Isaiah Sac St Univ RFC
Clearwater Ryan Columbia RFC 
Seufert Andrew Rowan RFC
Wilson Badra (Maladra) SM
Pezutti Dominic 1823
Alley Austin Univ of Idaho
Ryan  Matt Army/VD
Vailala Sam EPA
Laolagi Tusapa Faatuiolemotu WSU
Perry Matt WSU
Ibanez Devin UMASS 
Ralston Chris Columbia Gray
Garcia Timothy (Ray) ORSU
Kimmel Nathan Oregon St
Drzewiecki Matt UW-Whitewater
Miller Kelton OKC Crusaders/VD
Anderson Michael OU
Anderson Brandon 1823 Hildesheim Invaders
Pauga Zac Glendale 
Hakim Eyal Boca Raton 
Tanifum Trevor 1823 and Exiles
Howden Taylor 1823
Workie Dawit Dartmouth
Major-Whinston Shawn Michiana RFC
Satavu Marcus AF/OMBAC
Snider Ryan Seattle
Kemp Kevin SA
Herrera Tyler UTSA
Oliveta Miles Tacoma Nomads
Lavatai Robbie  Tacoma Nomads
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