Oregon Not Sure About HS Football, Rugby Next?
Oregon Not Sure About HS Football, Rugby Next?
Oregon HS sports will start late this fall, with no sport starting until the end of September.
But perhaps more significant, the football season has been delayed indefinitely.
In a press release released today, the Oregon School Activities Association said that "Football is considered a full contact activity per the Governor’s and OHA guidelines and is currently prohibited. No definitive date has been established by the state for a review of this prohibition. Based on strategies provided by the OSAA Football Contingency Group it is necessary that any Football restrictions be lifted by September 28 in order to have a modified regular season this Fall that would include some type of restructured postseason."
What will this mean for rugby? Well Oregon has a strong fall 7s tradition, but while Rugby Oregon runs the sport in the state, the influence of the OSAA is such that perhaps another full contact activity, rugby, might be under pressure to stay off the field.