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Midwest Scouts for Wales Tour

irish rugby tours

Midwest Scouts for Wales Tour

Thunderbirds were last seen in Las Vegas.

The Midwest U23s are scouting once again, this time looking toward the women’s 15s tour to Wales this August. The first step in naming the travel squad occurs this weekend at the Midwest LAU tournament, hosted by Palmer College. Thunderbird head coach Steve Murra and assistant coach Roger Riley will evaluate players at the all-star event and invite standouts to the Midwest U23 Elite Camp in mid-May. That assembly's in Hartland, Wis., and will name the squad heading to Europe this summer.

The Wales itinerary is very similar to the one in 2013, except this year, a Rugby World Cup year, the Thunderbirds will attend the Wales vs. Ireland warm-up match. The coaching staff will assess players from five different states/regions this weekend. Wisconsin is well represented, supplying two sides, while Minnesota, Iowa, Ohio and Prairie States will also play three matches this weekend.

Rosters for Wisconsin’s two sides and Minnesota are below. For those in the Davenport, Iowa, region, here is the women’s schedule:

Midwest U23 LAU Tournament
Saturday, April 11
Time Field Match
9 a.m. 1 Minnesota v Wisconsin #2
10 a.m. 1 Iowa v Wisconsin
12 p.m. 2 Ohio v Wisconsin #2
1 p.m. 2 Iowa v Prairie States
4 p.m. 1 Ohio v Minnesota
5 p.m. 1 Wisconsin v Prairie State
Sunday, April 12
Time Field Match
10 a.m. 1 Pool A #2 v Pool B #2
10 a.m. 2 Pool A #3 v Pool A #3
12 p.m. 1 Pool A #1 v Pool A #1


Brittany Aprahamian - Wisc WRFC Elizabeth Bellis - UW Madison Claire Norman - Macalester
Megan Aprahamian - UW Madison Danielle Bittner - UWSP Kate Campbell - Mankato
Maggie Armstrong - UWSP (C) Robin Blevins - UW Eau Claire Kankemwa Green - Mankato
Emma Baumhofer UWSP     Heather Brickham - UWLC Melissa Hargadine - Mankato
Alyssa Blavat - Milwaukee Scylla Danielle Dunn - UW Milwaukee Bailey Johnson - Mankato
Meagan Bodin - UW Stout      Samantha Dunn - UW Milwaukee Brittany Tricarico - Mankato
Tandra Breitzman - UW Stout Stacy Gajewski - UWSP Shelby Wiederhoeft - Mkto
Jade Bricco - UWSP Lauren Hay - UW Oshkosh Elizabeth Bain - St. Cloud St
Samantha Bruni - Milwaukee Scylla Maggie Hutchison - UW Madison Amy Cross - St. Cloud St
Erin Gajewski - UW Oshkosh Sarah Jelle - UWSP Anne Jeske - St. Cloud St
Jennifer Glaser - UW Madison      Olivia Juel - UW Oshkosh Hannah Kirkman - UM Duluth
Cassie Hoger - UWSP     Christine Juhas - UW Oshkosh Rachel Aufdembrink - Minn.
Grace Hovde - Wisconsin WRFC Sierra Kirby - UW Madison Dalena Khothsombath - Minn.
Jade Koenigs - UW Madison Kristin Kuhens - UW Eau Claire Hayden Stuppnig - Minnesota
Katherine Kroening - UW Stout Christine Leonard - UW Stout Amanda Custode - Winona
Alex Murphy - UW Milwaukee (C) Courtney McFarland - UWEC Hanah DeMars - Winona St
Ari Ouim - UW La Crosse Jenna Mehre - UW Madison Lachen Esters - Winona
Alyssa Schragen - UW Whitewater Lisa Moehlman - UWSP Samantha Wilcox - Winona
Cassie Schultz - Kettle Moraine HS Ashley Nemoir - UWSP Megan Wolff - Winona
Kate Simon - UW Oshkosh Tiffany Patrick - UW Whitewater Patricia Harris - MN Valkyries
Claire Tomashek - UW La Crosse Sara Polacek - UWSP Holly Freeberg - Twin Cities
Bre Valenza - UWSP Taylor Rozman - UW Madison (C) Katana Howard - Twin Cities
Hayley VanDuyse-Secor - UWSP Lauren Schlei - UW Milwaukee Ariana Koras - Twin Cities
Katrina Wilz - UW Oshkosh Drea Sortillon - UWSP Joanna McElroy - Twin Cities
Erika Winner - UW Milwaukee Rachel Stubes - UW Oshkosh Ashley Nelson - Twin Cities
Justine Wypych - Wisconsin WRFC Marissa Westaby - UW Stout Debbie Stenoien - Twin Cities
           Jacie Vonada - Twin Cities
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