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MDX, Minutemen Open Maryland HS Fall Rugby

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MDX, Minutemen Open Maryland HS Fall Rugby

Somebody looks happy.

Maryland saw its first high school rugby in six months as the Maryland Exiles Youth Rugby program hosted the Minutemen Sevens.

The event was the official restart of rugby in the state of Maryland. The Maryland Exiles and the MInutement played touch Rugby League—so no rucks or mauls and no tackles—with the skill level being surprisingly good considering these players haven't played since March.

Rugby Maryland President Josh Brady was there to support the two programs.



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"It's great to see these great kids get an opportunity to play and showcase their talent," Brady said. All players, coaches, family and supporters were masked on the sidelines.   The event was expertly refereed by Tom McHale.  

MDX is based out of Montgomery County, Md., while the Minutemen roster brings together players from Gonzaga, Georgetown Prep, Saint Johns, and Good Counsel. 

More teams have shown interest as the fall progresses, with Anne Arundel County, Bethesda Roosters, West Carroll, and the Maryland Diamondbacks all potentially joining MDX and the Minutemen on the field.

Increasingly, it is looking like states where it has been a battle to get sports to come back will see more traction with touch rugby as opposed to full-contact rugby.

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