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Carson Girls Take Inaugural SCIRF Girls 7s Title

irish rugby tours

Carson Girls Take Inaugural SCIRF Girls 7s Title

All smiles as Carson celebrates their championship.
All smiles as Carson celebrates their championship.

After 13 So Cal Interscholastic Rugby Federation (SCIRF) Girls Rugby Festivals, the Carson Girls 7s team emerged as the initial winner of the SCIRF Girls 7s League and winner of the cherished Mana Cup, which was contested at each festival.

For 13 weeks the girls came together and played at one location allowing for the creation of a festival like atmosphere. All the credit for the idea goes to Jen Trower from Steele Canyon High who not only started the boys team at Steele but, as the girls soccer coach, saw the opportunity for her girls to play and gain exposure to rugby prior to the start of the high school soccer season.

The model presented the perfect opportunity for the girls who play other sports in addition to soccer such as field hockey and volleyball to participate when their season ended. Moreover, if a team could not participate due to scheduling conflicts (homecoming, SATs) the opportunity to play was always present for all. Girls from 10 high schools on any given weekend routinely participated, often with area college coaches and Eagles present.

In addition to the efforts of Jen special thanks goes to referee Roche Sanchez who oversaw the officiating at the Festivals and was able to develop a special bond with the girls, Cathedral Girls Coach Tuli Atanoa who planned and coordinated every Festival, and Ramsey Tuaua from Mana Performance Rugby for their sponsorship of the Mana Trophy.

1. Carson
2. Los Alamitos
3. Cathedral

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