Boys HS Club Top 50 2024: Week 2
Boys HS Club Top 50 2024: Week 2
We base a lot of our movement, almost all of it, in fact, on the results from the Storer Classic.
Now, this is a dangerous thing to do because this was a preseason tournament with a series of shortened games. So it's important to remember that you can't hang a ranking on one or two short-game results.
So up moves LCA but they will have to back that up. If they struggle, we will have to remember that right now their ranking is based on three close losses at HS Nationals in May, a close loss to Belmont Shore this past weekend, and wins over Danville (a good team but one that went 0-3 at the Storer Classic as they were testing out some things) and Carlsbad (a team we don't rank because they operate in the SoCal single-school-but-clubbish league and are represented by Thunder in the club list).
So it's a tenuous #6.
Same with Thunder Rugby—we move them up because there's a strong connection between Carlsbad and Thunder, but when Thunder takes the field, these results will be less relevant than other results.
More games coming soon. Florida will be quite active over the next few weeks. South Carolina's league starts with a series of jamborees. Texas is another league to watch.