MTSU Coaches Help Football Team Tackle
MTSU Coaches Help Football Team Tackle
Members of the Middle Tennessee State University rugby program were invited to help teach tackling to the Oakland HS football team in Murfreesboro, Tenn. last week.
“It went so well they asked us back for a second day,” said MTSU Head Coach Jody Hensley.
Hensley said the Oakland HS players were pretty good tacklers, but needed to be taught to keep their head out of the way when engaging contact.
In addition, he said the MTSU coaches worked with the kids on body position - especially on going into a tackle with legs bent rather than just bend at the waist.
Many college and high school football teams are turning to rugby coaches to help them navigate new guidelines for safe tackling. As it becomes more and more apparent that helmets are not a guaranteed defense against concussions, football coaches are looking to rugby for direction on how to tackle effectively and safely while keeping the head away from contact.